CR data

In this section









Total number of homes sold

8,721 9,644 10,307 10,892 7,522
Owned and controlled plots 34,979 37,855 41,077 42,721 44,589
Scope 1 emissions (1) (tCO2e) (2) 16,362 18,844 19,964 20,560 16,892
Scope 2 emissions (3) (tCO2e) (2) 5,972 6,065 5,289 5,155 4,097
Total Scope 1 and 2 emissions (tCO2e) (2) 22,334 22,909 25,253 25,715 20,989
tCO2e (2) per home constructed 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.8
tCO2e (2) per Bellway employee 9.4 9.8 9.0 8.6 6.7
Number of homes built incorporating renewable and energy saving technology 3,351 3,723 3,802 3,926 2,141
Percentage of site compounds fitted with energy saving devices (4) 84.3% 94.0% 100% 100% 100%
Number of active sites with a Biodiversity Plan in place 48 86 248 150 186
Number of homes with rainwater harvesting 1,183 1,170 645 589 391
Number of homes with waste recycling facilities
4,303 4,645 2,776 4,081 2,239
Number of sites with SuDS designed into the scheme 129 198 230 255 224
Number of Trees planted 18,003 22,231 21,418 17,676 12,760
Number of homes with access to a cycle store 4,091 4,237 5,307 4,984 3,606
Number of sites within 500 metres of a transport node 182 233 254 308 230
Percentage of homes developed on brownfield sites 62% 59% 53% 43% 36%
Financial contributions under Section 106 Agreements and Community Infrastructure Levy £147.9m £118.2m £79.0m £77.3m £60.5m
Percentage of timber from sustainable sources 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Waste (tonnes) per home built 8.52 9.25 9.31 10.97 11.18
Percentage of waste diverted from landfill 95.9% 97.8% 98.1% 98.4% 99.1%
Society and Economy          
Number of Bellway employees as at 31 July 2,387 2,595 2,904 2,998 2,889
Percentage of females 28% 29% 28% 30% 30%
Employee turnover 23.4% 21.2% 21.4% 22.4% 20.8%
Number of apprentices, graduates and trainees employed by Bellway(4) - - 142 182 258
Number of NHBC ‘Pride In The Job’ awards received 43 49 49 42 44
Number of reportable RIDDOR major injuries per year 32 37 37 32 19
Reportable incident rate per 100,000 employees 445.19 426.36 404.02 324.87 203.12
Number of health and safety prosecutions 0 0 1 0 0
Number of homes sold to Registered Providers 1,376 2,077 2,044 2,450 1,671
Charitable donations £210,000 £292,873 £291,945 £363,057 £300,000
Employee Fundraising £74,704 £229,047 £272,096 £391,736 £237,338
Number of units built to Secured by Design principles 4,414 3,601 3,676 3,298 2,098
Home Builders Federation star rating 4 5 5 5 5

(1)Fuel and gas, including petrol and diesel used on-site and in company vehicles on company business

(2)Tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents

(3)Purchased electricity – 2018 figure has been restated as we now calculated Scope 2 emissions using the ‘market based’ methodology 

(4)Trainees included in the measure from 2018